Xmas Build

For family gifts this year we made some bowls out of Oregon Walnut, red Padauk, and European Beech. It was a fun project and we hope the recipients enjoy them. They look great in the “group shot”:

The following pics show some of the steps along the way. As usual, you can click on one of the thumbnails below to see a full-size image.

2 Responses to “Xmas Build”

  • Diane Fahrner:

    Dear Barry, Beth, Ruiari, and Erin,
    Thank you for the beautiful bowls that you lovingly made for Christmas presents this year. They are truly a gift of time and skill on you part. How lucky I am to be a recipient of one of these works of art. I look forward to seeing all or some of you sometime this year. Happy 2011.

  • Thaddeus:

    Chapeau O’Mahony Family. The bowls turned out amazing. Now if only some of the Fahrner/O’Mahony skill would rub off on the Kaczmarek clan.

    See you all soon.

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